(657) 204-5427 info@fitfirstfamily.com

COVID-19 Safety
We are so excited to be able to host our summer bootcamps & group classes this year despite the pandemic, and we are dedicated to providing an enjoyable camp experience with safety as our top priority. The health and safety of our little athletes, families, and staff are of the utmost importance to us, and we will be closely monitoring the situation and state & local government guidelines to update our policies as needed.
Bootcamp Modifications & Safety
We are limiting the size of each bootcamp to 15 kids maximum. Since our camps are for all ages from 6 - 16, the camps will be split up into smaller groups based on the ages present in each particular camp. To ensure a large enough age group for activities and games, we may allow additional kids of the right age group to join the camp, as long as the total number in each camp does not exceed 20 kids, or offer alternate camp dates to join.
Due to the limitations in sports court sizes (ie Tennis camp), sport camps may be limited to 10 kids maximum, or split into groups and alternate time spent in the courtspace.
Physical Distancing
Our camps are considered low-risk activities: all camps will be hosted outdoors in public parks, with ample space to spread out, lots of open air ventilation, and continuous changes in positions that limit possibility of disease transmission.
Physical distancing will be enforced and monitored throughout the duration of the camps. Cones/ other markers will be utilized to ensure ample distance between each kid during the camps, check in/ check out, and when waiting for pick up/ drop off.
Games/ drills/ stations will be modified to allow distancing while still being fun & interactive!
In situations where physical distancing is not possible ( ie if staff needs to approach to correct form or assist, staff will be required to wear face covering ).
Extra Sanitation & Sharing protocols
Each athlete will have their own set of equipments that they will use for the whole day when possible, that will be sanitized at the start and end of each day with disinfectants.
There will be frequent hand sanitizing breaks throughout the day. Hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes will be provided.
There may be limited shared equipments at workout stations, and they will be sanitized between each use. General equipment such as flags/ cones/ ladders that are shared but not touched will be sanitized at the end of each day.
Athletes will be asked to bring their own water bottle & not share between friends. We will not be providing shared water to refill, or help with applying sunscreen to limit contamination & physical contact.
Athlete & Staff Screening & Education
All staff and athletes attending camp will need to take temperature each day before arriving at camp. Anyone with a fever ( >98 F ) is required to stay home and contact Fit First. Forehead thermometers may also be used to screen for fever during check-in. (Since it'll be hot out, we will utilize this at our discretion)
Staff and athletes will be asked if they have recently had contact with a person with COVID-19, or are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, cough, chills, or shortness of breath.
All staff & parents are encouraged to notify Fit First immediately if anyone they have been in close contact with has tested positive. We will then alert relevant health officials, staff, and families while maintaining HIPPA confidentiality, and notify of any closures required.
We will teach and enforce proper hygiene such as frequent hand sanitizing, avoiding touching one's face, and covering coughs and sneezes to the best of our ability.
Worry-free Refund Policy
We have changed our refund policy to accommodate for the uncertainty of the pandemic:
If camp is cancelled due to changes in state regulations, we will notify parents as soon as possible and issue full refunds
We try very hard to create the best scheduling and grouping so our athletes can get the most out of the bootcamp. Due to the camp size limits, we will not be offering refunds for camp cancellations that are non-Covid related.
If you decide that you are uncomfortable with your child being in a group setting, or other Covid-related reasons, you can cancel any time for a full refund, up to two weeks before the Monday of the bootcamp start date. If you cancel within two weeks of the start date, we will apply the camp fees as credits to your account, that you are free to use for another camp or individual classes.
We encourage our athletes to take a sick leave and stay home/ cancel if they have a fever, exhibit other symptoms of illness, or have had contact with a someone who tested positive for COVID-19. We will issue any unused camp fees ( prorated ) as credits to your account if you are able to provide a doctor's note or other forms of proof.
We kindly ask that any cancellations be made by the Friday before camp starts ( with the exception of sick leaves ). Failure to cancel before then will be treated as no-show and we will not be able to issue credit.
Still have questions?
Check out our FAQs or Contact Us!